Iskenderun Insurance Agents Association (ISADER) Chairman Yasin Keleş compulsory traffic insurance policies are becoming problematic, noting that “in motor third party liability insurance, to be implemented from 2017 onwards April 12, a price ceiling is introduced. With the entry into force of this tariff, Compulsory Traffic Insurance has become ‘Problematic Traffic Insurance’,”he said.
ISADER Chairman Yasin Keleş on the subject in his statement, “a few months ago that it would drop the price of insurance in the media Traffic, social media news as advertised, and as a result many insurance has insured our rates and the expectation that the new tariffs are expected.Despite the warning of the Undersecretariat of Treasury from the day the ceiling Price tariff entered into force on April 12, 2017, unfortunately, insurance companies are still having difficulties in making compulsory traffic insurance offers and making this insurance today. They are driving the business downhill with some excuses. Some of them; the fault system has to be specified, the current system of correcting due to harmonise the implementation of a price ceiling to be called, the connection is closed between the centre and agents be told, for cash or on a credit card and installment removed 3-4 one-shot implementation, consent or approval will not be sent for approval to the policy that is the prolongation of the draft, which will be held photographs of the vehicles requested, driver's license or licenses to the system through the improvement of the process yukletme, personal accident, home insurance, Discretionary fiscal responsibility, etc. as such, the requested additional costs to consumers and policy making insurance more expensive to increase your daily quota applications, the new insurance policy to the insured that the registrant should not be given as the first to be held even if they offer such a long time passed, despite companies still they were unable to revise their programs, and they are not stale or error in the system for reasons that some companies also have joy and grief, without any basis for, any damage to data without this tool I don't want' policy is not issued. While some companies do not make a policy without seeing the picture of the license photocopies of the vehicle to be policed at their agencies, they either approve or do not approve according to their wishes as a result of sending pictures of some vehicles taken by 4 according to their minds.As of April 12, 2017, when the Ceiling Price application entered into force, it has become a pain for us agencies to produce policies. No agency colleague of ours can produce a policy from the Insurance Company he is an agent of for one reason or another.
Compulsory Traffic Insurance offers a source of income to more than 17,000 US agencies and a job opportunity to more than 35,000 technical personnel as well as the contribution it provides to the economy of our country. These situations all these years, he worked day and night to spread awareness in the face of insurance policyholders who served, contributed to employment and pay taxes to the state, many of our agents have fallen to the point of closure commission income came in and outputs to reduce the costs of staff began.
As ISADER (Iskenderun Insurance Agents Association), we want to find a permanent solution to this problem, which concerns over 20 Million citizens, over 17000 agency colleagues, over 35,000 employees very closely in our sector these days, when we celebrate Insurance Week bitterly,”he said.